Allah recounts the words that Prophet ‘Eesaa spoke from the cradle in surah Maryam [19] when He said: [قَالَ إِنِّي عَبْدُ اللَّهِ آتَانِيَ الْكِتَابَ وَجَعَلَنِي نَبِيًّا * وَجَعَلَنِي مُبَارَكًا أَيْنَ مَا كُنتُ وَأَوْصَانِي بِالصَّلَاةِ وَالزَّكَاةِ مَا دُمْتُ حَيًّا وَبَرًّا بِوَالِدَتِي وَلَمْ […]
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In the realm where ummah once stood,A single body, united and good.Brotherhood flowed, like rivers divine,Bound by faith, a sacred line. But alas, the tides did change,Borders rose, nations estrange.Blood spilled like water, brethren lost,A unity shattered, a terrible cost. How did […]