Two hundred plus days, a wound still raw,

Blood stains the earth, a chilling flaw.

Martyrs fallen, bodies defiled,

Innocence lost, a world beguiled.

Laws shattered, a brutal reign,

Children, mothers, all slain in vain.

Buried alive, or blown to dust, Bulldozers crush, a savage lust.

Hospitals burn, mosques turned to ash,

Schools lie silent, dreams turned to trash.

The oppressor’s list, a macabre score,

Yet claims victimhood, at humanity’s core.

Billions flow, their strength renewed,

Vetoes ring hollow, a truth subdued.

Arab silence, a deafening plight,

Fear of the tyrant, obscuring Allah’s light.

Ramadan passed, a holy time,

But the Ummah’s anger, a flickering chime.

Puppet leaders where scholars once thrived,

A twisted age, knowledge unheard,

This silence screams, a terrifying word.

Resurrection’s call, can we ever face,

With empty actions, a hollow embrace?

From words to deeds, how shall we rise?

Two hundred and more days, with tear-filled eyes.

Will the Ummah awaken, break free at last?

Or forever slumber, a future surpassed?

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